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Links relating to this website:

Alliance of International Aromatherapists (AIA) unites aromatheraphists from around the world to advance research and professionalism within the aromatherapy industry. As a result, the public has the option for a safe, natural and complementary form of health care. View the following page for a Brief History of Aromatherapy
Bo Jensen A small guide to Nature's fragrances - aspects of the chemistry of the essential oils. Also, contains materials of perfumery and culinary interest.
The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) An educational, nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing public awareness of the benifits of true aromatherapy.
Nature's Gifts International for information regarding the purity of EcoSoya® products
The Orchid Care Lady - a great site on the basics of orchid growing.

Educational Websites relating to this website:

American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC) in a nonprofit, national organization. The AAPCC can send you stickers or magnets with the emergency phone number 1-800-222-1222. Poisons can look like food or drink. Teach children to ask an adult first before eating or drinking anything. 

Acupuncture Today The acupuncture and Oriental medicine news source. Be sure to see their articles by topic Oils / Aromatherapy
Alternative Medicine Resource for news, a directory and articles
Aspergers Treatment - We offer ADD treatment, ADHD treatment, Autism Treatment, Aspergers Treatment, QEEG, Neurotherapy, EEG, EEG Neurofeedback, Neurotherapy, Symptoms of ADD and Symptoms of ADHD attention disorders and learning disabilities. Attention and Achievement Center is a premier provider of scientifically proven drug free techniques for child ADD/ADHD, Learning and Mood Disorders, etc. They also have resources for teachers who have students with ADD/ADHD.
Earth911 Find out the proper disposal methods for your various household and work related objects, see current leaders in eco design and sign-up for their weekly newsletter
Energy Education & Workforce Development  Lesson plans - for grades K-12  - on energy-related topics from the U.S. Department of Energy.
The Fragrance Foundation  Visit their glossary for the industry definitions of terms describing fragrance
Garbology Kids Plant the seed of earth-friendly living at a young age with these useful tools and lesson plans. Be sure to view their Kids Zone
Go Green Initiative How to become mindfull of the planet and become its caretaker in all that you do.

Hanna's Herb Shop - One of the first health food stores in the USA, started in 1957.

How Stuff Works - Different aspects of How Smell Works. Article by Sarah Dowdey
Iowa Soybean Association develops policies and programs that help farmers by promoting environmentally sensitive production. On their educational materials page, find projects for K-6 elementary aged students
Mesothelioma - Using aromatherapy as a complementary treatment for this rare form of cancer.

People without a Sense of Smell - a research article out of Dresden, Germany:  Learning about the Functions of the Olfactory System from People without a Sense of Smell

Self Improvement from SelfGrowth.com - SelfGrowth.com is the most complete guide to information about Self Improvement on the Internet.
Science Daily Articles about olfaction
Total Health Breakthroughs is a free, natural health newsletter that offers alternative solutions for mind, body and soul and is your complete source for no-nonsense, natural health information.
United States Consumer Product Safety Commission  View the CPSC website for up to date safety information and product recalls
USFA Kids page for various learning tools regarding fire, matches and lighter safety.  Plus, they make learning fun with crosswords and games.

Visit Our Other Helpful Links Pages:

Luxury Home Fragrances
Soy Candle - Sachet- Spiced Coaster & Trivet
a hint of vanilla
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